SHAR & heritage

Fernand Zeyer

THE RIQUEWIHR SOCIETY OF HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY (SHAR) was founded in 1898 under the name “Verein zur Erhaltung von Reichenweirer Alterthümern in Reichenweier” by people aware of the value of their town’s built heritage, including Fernand ZEYER (1875-1969), president, researcher, driving force and soul of the Society for almost six decades.


1. Conservation, protection and restoration of the city’s BUILT HERITAGE,

2. Collection and conservation, in its MUSEUMS, of ancient objects relating to the town and its history; operation and administrative, museographic and financial management of the SHAR MUSEUMS: Dolder, Tour des Voleurs and Maison de Vigneron,

3. Collection, conservation, management and use of SHAR’s ARCHIVES relating to the history of the town and Seigneurie of Riquewihr,

4. PRODUCTION of all DOCUMENTS and media relating to the history of Riquewihr and likely to promote its cultural influence,

5. Relations with the Fédération des Sociétés d’Histoire – FSHAA, the Société pour la Conservation des Monuments Historiques d’Alsace – SCMHA, the Société d’Émulation Montbéliard – SEM…

Resources deployed

1. When homeowners undertake work on their homes, SHAR provides recommendations and advice on roofs and facades.

2. Through the collections and objects on display in its museums, the SHAR invites visitors to discover a few aspects of the life of the town’s inhabitants in days gone by (weapons used to defend the town, tools for winegrowing and cooperage, everyday utensils, the exercise of seigniorial justice…).
The theme of the current temporary exhibition is: “1918 – 1925: The difficult return of Alsace to France” (with a 25-minute film).

3. A vast room houses an Alsatian library and numerous archives relating to the history of the city, its heritage, its administration, its inhabitants… Documents can be consulted at the Company’s offices at 1, rue des Remparts, Riquewihr, every 2nd Wednesday of the month from 6 to 9 p.m., or by appointment.


1. Concerned about the quality of life of its residents, which it seeks to preserve, and attentive to the preservation of the city’s exceptional heritage and image, the SHAR remains vigilant, especially when it comes to renovating houses in the old town.

2. A complete overhaul of the Dolder Museum was completed in 2010, with the theme “A fortified winegrowing town from the Middle Ages and its development between the 13th and 17th centuries”. The aim was to establish a clearer coherence between the historical functions of the tower and the collections and objects on display. A similar project is under study for the Tour des Voleurs museum with Maison de Vigneron.

3. Continued study of various aspects of the city’s history.

4. Genealogical research: deciphering, transcribing, translating and inputting birth, marriage and burial records of Riquewihr inhabitants, using parish and civil registers.

5. In addition, SHAR aims to encourage residents to take an ever greater interest in their city and its unique setting, in order to ensure its protection and conservation for generations to come!

Composition of the SHAR committee

Chairman : Daniel Jung

Vice-Chairman: Claude Zeyer

Secretary: Raymond Scheu

Treasurer: Vincent Scherrer

Assessors: Sylvie Striby and Jean-François Farque

Other members: Gilbert Gentner, Jean-Marc Hanss, Christophe Kiefer, Danielle Kolander, Daniel Klack, Robert Lehmann, Jean Meschberger




Since it was founded in 1898, the Société d’Histoire et d’Archéologie (SAR) has been committed to the protection and conservation of RIQUEWIHR’s built heritage, and to the renovation of old houses, particularly those built before 1900 and located within the old town walls. Concerned about the quality of life of its inhabitants, which it seeks to preserve, and sensitive to the image that is imposed on visitors who fall under its spell, it is particularly vigilant when it comes to work carried out on the visible parts of old residences, i.e. everything that affects roofs and facades.

Thanks to the profits generated by the museums it manages – the Dolder, the Tour des Voleurs and the Maison de Vigneron – the SHAR has been able, for many decades, not only to provide sound advice on the work to be carried out, but also to grant substantial subsidies to owners. It is confident that, through these two actions, it has been able to make a major contribution to the protection and conservation of the built heritage that is the pride of the town and its inhabitants.

RIQUEWIHR – Historic buildings

Historic buildings in Riquewihr

Protection by Classification (Cl. MH) or by

listed on the supplementary inventory (Inv. MH)

Our city boasts a remarkable architectural heritage! If we were to doubt this, we need to look no further than the influx of nearly two million visitors a year, who fall under the spell of this jewel of Alsace, ranked among the first of the “Most Beautiful Villages in France”. And it’s not uncommon to hear newcomers, whether renting or buying a property, tell us that they chose Riquewihr precisely for the beauty of its well-preserved and well-maintained historic buildings.

But did you know that, after Strasbourg and Colmar,
Riquewihr would rank 3rd in Alsace for the number of buildings and features protected by the Monuments Historiques department?
? Among the buildings protected in this way, a distinction must be made between those “classified” as Historic Monuments (Cl. MH ) and those on the supplementary list of the Inventory of Historic Monuments (Inv. MH). Our city also boasts a number of other buildings of recognized heritage value which, while not benefiting from the MH label, are still of great interest, all contribute to the beauty and interest of this dense, coherent architectural ensemble, unique in Alsace, enclosed within a rectangle measuring barely 200 by 300 meters and hemmed in by its double medieval walls.

In this context, do we need to remind you of the existence and the eminent role played by the “Société d’Histoire et d’Archéologie de Riquewihr – SHAR” (Riquewihr History and Archaeology Society) founded in 1898, carries in its original name the vision and program of its founding members: “Verein zur Erhaltung Reichenweirer Alterthümern in Reichenweier” (Association for the care of elderly people in Reichenweier) or “Société pour la conservation des antiquités de Riquewihr à Riquewihr” (Society for the conservation of Riquewihr antiquities in Riquewihr) ? For more than a century, its members have watched over these historic homes to ensure that they are not destroyed, denatured or disfigured, but that, on the contrary, they are preserved, restored and enhanced,
preserved, restored and enhanced.

Do the inhabitants of our city, old and new Riquewihriens, know about all these houses and other “protected” features? With the help of the itinerary below, we invite you to discover them. From Place de l’Hôtel de Ville, take Cour du Château, then climb up the main street, entering the alleys, cul-de-sacs and squares on the right-hand side of the street, as far as Porte Haute; then return via Rue du Cerf, Rue St-Nicolas, Rue Latérale, Rue du Cheval, Rue de la Première Armée, Cour de Strasbourg, Rue Dintzheim and end at Rue de la Couronne. With street names, house numbers and the dates on the facades (indicating the year they were built or converted), visitors can easily identify them. As these buildings are privately owned, it is obviously not possible to visit their interiors,

NB: the following list has been compiled on the basis of information provided in the “Dictionnaire des monuments historiques Alsace” by Dominique Toursel-Harster, Jean-Pierre Beck, Guy Bronner – La Nuée Bleue, 1995, pp 340-352 and 659, as well as that provided by various decrees issued since then; the succession of places cited takes into account the proposed tour circuit as mentioned above.

List of buildings and other features protected by the

Service des Monuments Historiques

by classification (Cl. MH) or inscription on the supplementary inventory (Inv. MH)

– Place Voltaire. Town Hall Facades and roof (Inv. MH 18/03.1930).

– 3, cour du Château. Former Württemberg château (MH classification: 23/02.1900; JO 16/02.1930).

Rue du Général de Gaulle (corner of rue Hederich). Well (Inv. MH 18/03.1930). (*)

– 12, rue du Général de Gaulle. Former home of Ambroise Dieffenbach. Facades and roofs; ceiling and doors of 1st-floor room (Inv. MH 18/03.1930); listed in full on 6/02.1996, modified on 4/04.1996 and 21/06.1996.

3, rue des Écuries Seigneuriales: main facade with oriel window and roof (Inv. MH 18/03.1930).

6 , rue des Écuries Seigneuriales. Former Méquillet house: all facades, three rooms and corridor with their decoration on the second floor of the west wing (Inv. MH 30/12.1985).

14, rue du Général de Gaulle: facade and roof (Inv. M.H. 18/03.1930).

– 13, rue du Général de Gaulle: street façade with oriel window, roof and Gothic door on second floor (Inv. MH 18/03.1930).

– 16, rue du Général de Gaulle. House known as “cour des Cigognes”: side facade, with 16th-century window, of the main building; courtyard facades with their galleries and roofs; well in the courtyard (Inv. MH 18/03.1930).

– 18, rue du Général de Gaulle: facade and roof (Inv. MH 18/03.1930).

4, rue Kilian: street facade with entrance door, courtyard facade with stair turret and entrance vestibule (Inv. MH 18/03.1930).

1, rue des Trois-Églises: facades and roof (Inv. MH 9/11.1984).

– 5, rue des Trois-Églises. Former house of Mayor Eberlin: facades and roofs of main building, cellar, stair turret, facades and roofs of entrance building (Inv. MH 11/07.1995).

– 14, place des Trois-Églises. Former Saint-Erard church: facade and roof (Inv. MH 18/03.1930); mural painting fragment of a Last Judgement (Cl. MH 2/04.1982); later side facade, facade and roof (Inv. MH 1/10.1987) – 15, place des Trois-Eglises. Former house known as “de la Sage-Femme”: facade and roof (Inv. MH 18/03.1930).

– 16-17, place des Trois-Eglises. Former Notre-Dame church (Inv. MH 18/03.1930).


Protestant Church:

– Stiehr-Mockers organ, 1853. Instrumental part (Cl. MH 21/03.1973); buffet by Christian Langes (Cl. MH 9/11.1973).

– Bell dedicated to Saint Margaret (bronze, wood, iron, 1722 (Inv. MH 20/12.1996).

– Bell tocsin, called braillard (bronze, wood, iron, 1523 (Inv. MH 20/12.1996).

30, rue du Général de Gaulle: facade and roof (Inv. MH 18/03.1930).

– 27, rue du Général de Gaulle. House known as “A l’Ours Noir”: facade and roof (Inv. MH 18/03.1930).

– 38, rue du Général de Gaulle. Ancien hôtel de Berckheim: facades and roofs on first courtyard (Inv. MH 18/03.1930).

– 42, rue du Général de Gaulle: Ancienne hôtellerie “A l’étoile”: facade and roof (Inv. MH 18/03.1930).

– 44, rue du Général de Gaulle: turret with spiral staircase and door, painted ceiling with joists on second floor (Cl. MH 26/01.1989); facades, roofs and entrance passage (Inv. MH 26/01.1989).

– 45, rue du Général de Gaulle: Cloutier house: facade (Inv. MH 18/03.1930).

7, rue des Cordiers: main facade and roof (Inv. MH 18/03.1930).

14, rue des Juifs. 16th-century house: facades and roof (Inv. MH 22/12.1981).

Rue du Général de Gaulle. Fontaine de la Sinne (Inv. MH 18/03.1930).

– 62, rue du Général de Gaulle. Maison Thalinger (Inv. MH 27/02.1946).

– 2, rue du Cerf. Former home of gourmet Conrad Ortlieb, known as the Kiener house: all facades and roofs, entrance passageway, all interiors with their original layouts and decorations, courtyard with well (Inv. MH 6/12.1999); replaces the decree of 18/03.1930.

6-8, rue Saint-Nicolas: street facades, courtyard facades with staircase turret and galleries, roof and well in courtyard (Inv. MH 18/03.1930).

– 11, rue Saint-Nicolas: street façade with oriel window and roof (Inv. MH 18/03.1930).

– 25, rue Saint-Nicolas: well against the gable wall facing rue Latérale, from the courtyard of 6, rue Latérale (Inv. MH 18/03.1930).

13, rue Latérale: facades with courtyard gallery (Inv. MH 18/03.1930).

– 10-11-12, rue Latérale: courtyard facades with gallery and oriel window (Inv. MH 18/03.1930); courtyard facades with gallery and oriel window, exterior connecting wall, exterior facades and roofs of building 10, rue Latérale located at the corner of rue Latérale and rue Saint-Nicolas (Inv. MH 30/09.1997).

5, rue du Cheval. Former courtyard of Autrey Abbey (Inv. MH 4/05.1990, with modifications on 22/06.1990 and 2/10.1990); the entire property, including the enclosing wall, the well in the courtyard and the outbuildings (Cl. MH 7/02.1994).

– 6, rue du Cheval. Part of the former Strasbourg courtyard: facades and roofs (Inv. MH 9/05.1988).

Dissler House

6, rue Latérale: street facade with oriel window, courtyard facade of main building (Inv. MH 18/03.1930). See also: 25, rue Saint-Nicolas.

– 11-12-13, rue de la Première-Armée. Ancienne cour de Strasbourg: entrance arcade and main courtyard façade with oriel window and stair tower (Inv. MH 18/03.1930). Facades, roofs, external entrance archway of the buildings (Inv. MH 9/05.1988).

16, rue de la Première-Armée. House known as “Au Bouton d’Or” (Inv. MH 18/03.1930).

18, rue de la Couronne: main facade with oriel window and roof (Inv. MH 18/03.1930).

– 6, rue de la Couronne. Dissler” house: interior (Inv. MH 18/03.1930). Facades and roofs (Cl MH 11/06.1964).

Old city fortifications:

High Gate, the “Dolder “; old walls up to the “Tour des Voleurs”; “Tour des Voleurs” (Cl. MH 22/02.1900).

– Other remains of the surrounding walls (cad. 1 31 to 37, 39, 43, 46, 47, 49, 51 to 53, 55 to 57, 58a, 117 to 119, 133, 134, 151 to 156; 2 36 to 39, 50, 51, 53 to 60, 87 to 93, 95, 96, 98 to 101, 110, 126 to 128, 154, 305/156, 170, 178, 188, 189, 198 to 200, 212 to 217, 262, 263, 267): (Inv. MH 1/10.1986; modified on 15/11.1996 and 11/07.2000).

– Quartiers anciens urbains… as shown on the plan annexed to the 1970 decree (site inscribed May 14, 1970).

– Place called Herrenwald. Ruins of the “Reichenstein” castle (Inv. MH 7/12.1990).

– Schlossberg locality. Ruins of “Bilstein” castle (Cl. MH 6/12.1898).

(*) Well purchased in 1907 by the Société d’Histoire et d’Archéologie de Riquewihr.

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